Follow new updates and improvements to Equals.
February 7th, 2025
All new sidebar for charts: notice cleaner configuration, more intuitive UI for editing series, the ability to re-order series, and set sorts on X axis values. Learn more.
Improved pivot tables by showing original field name for renamed values in settings.
Improved pivot tables by opening the selection modal when adding a value as a filter.
Improved query error messages for when queries hit timeout limits.
Fixed an issue with opening the Top of Funnel template.
Fixed QuickBooks queries to fail if no data is returned from the API.
Fixed aesthetic issues with the “Only” pill in pivot table filters.
Fixed an issue where retired connectors may be accessible from datasources page.
Fixed an issue where dashboards may not open due to conditional formatting over undefined cells.
January 31st, 2025
New integration to Dremio.
Improved speed at which cells close after editing formulas.
Improved speed at which workbooks save after deleting a sheet.
Improved copy-pasting over filtered values such that filtered out values are no longer included in output.
Fixed sheet filters on numerical columns which may show “not equal to”.
Fixed an issue with importing workbook sheets using array formulas.
Fixed an issue with pivot table counts over aggregated dates.
Fixed an issue where charts may lose X axis values.
Fixed an issue with the DATEDIF formula.
January 24th, 2025
Allow users to switch workspaces when in an inactive workspace.
Fixed an issue undoing pivot table move actions.
Fixed an issue tagging workbook creator in comments.
Fixed an issue editing chart data range if current range is invalid.
Fixed an issue where charts with invalid data ranges may load legend.
Fixed an issue where import scripts may not be visible in connection modal.
Fixed an issue with dashboard tables if a column is hidden in a referenced table.
Fixed an issue where formatting may not persist in the imported workbook sheet.
January 17th, 2025
Connection modal takes into account workspaces when providing datasource suggestions, for users with roles in multiple workspaces.
Fixed an issue where a View may reference itself and fail.
Fixed an issue where dashboards may crash if referencing large tables.
Fixed an issue with rendering charts with hundreds of thousands of data points.
Fixed an issue editing a chart data range if pivot sidebar is open.
Fixed aesthetics for viewers applying filters over queried output in a sheet.
Fixed an issue where formatting over array formulas may not persist.
January 16th, 2025
Viewers (“read only” users) can now apply filters and sorts over any sheet in Equals, making it easier for teammates to get the data they need.
January 14th, 2025
Your most used connections –be that a workbook, a view, Salesforce, a database, whatever– will now be listed first when setting up a new sheet. It’s a little update towards a bigger goal: we want Equals to be the fastest way to answer any question of your data.
January 10th, 2025
We now support dates formatted as MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM.
Improved scheduled query runtimes to prevent timeout errors.
Improved CSV detection of currency fields (formerly imported as text).
Fixed an issue where copying dashboards may fail if custom url set.
Fixed an issue where workbook copies may not copy dashboard filters.
Fixed an issue where charts may display NaN values for blank cells.
Fixed an issue where last label displayed in charts may be second to last.
Fixed an issue filtering queries on date values for BigQuery connectors.
Fixed an issue where pivot table popups may persist after pivot is removed.
Fixed an issue where pivot table ranges may not update upon header insertion.
January 7th, 2025
We’ve given pivot tables a fresh look and a new sidebar.
What’s new?
To add a value in a pivot, click on the plus button and select a field.
To make more granular edits to a field, click on the field pill. Learn more about what has changed.
Why the change?
This is the first in a series of changes for pivots and charts, all driven by user feedback. Our goal is to make things easier to configure and more beautiful.
January 3rd, 2025
Debug formula issues faster with explicit error flags and messages in cells.
Fixed an issue editing chart data range when large amount of data is plotted.
December 20th, 2024
Datasources page is now sorted alphabetically.
Previews are cleared when switching from the query builder to the SQL editor.
Formula suggestions have been improved when parameters are strings.
Fixed an issue where Views may take a while to appear as a menu option.
Fixed an issue entering a paragraph break before text on a dashboard.
Fixed an issue where searching for customers in blueprints may crash page.
Fixed an issue where ‘find and replace’ may break sheet references.
Fixed an issue where duplicate column names may appear in query builder join modal.